that for a long time has caused wars and crumbled cites. Though we are all
people we have lacked for the most part the strength to stand behind those who
live life differently than us, or who choose to believe something that we may
not. Everyone is allowed to be who they are and they shouldn’t be judged for
living a different path then you would have chosen. People always say they hope
for world peace and really this goal is not unattainable. If everyone were free
to live how they choose, and believe what they want without harming themselves
or other people then we would have just that. As time goes on our generation
have become more and more accepting of minority things and a big part of this
is understanding that what someone else chooses to believe in or their way of
life does not affect you why does it matter? A hot button topic for me is same
sex marriage I fail to see why the hell it is such a problem. People could
create a religion where people worship cows and sleep 5 days a week and claim
to be a worship group that is only nocturnal so you have to go to mass in the
middle of the damn night and it would be less of an issue then a same sex
couple getting married. Why should someone else have the ability to dictate
what these people do with their lives? I’m pretty sure nowhere in the bible
does god say he gave people the right to decide what they think is best.
HELLO!? Anyone need a prime example? Hitler. Same idea. Except he was ONE
person that amassed an army to follow him. Leave the damn people alone, you don’t
like the idea of same sex marriage? Fine, you are completely entitled to your
opinion. But QUIT trying to shove your damn bible down their throats. Maybe
they really don’t care what some PEOPLE wrote however many thousands of years
ago on what MAN interpreted as ‘”God’s Word” because I for one am not
particularly a religious person but if god is really that judgmental which I
doubt he is since if you believe the bible he created EVERYTHING. Then I don’t
want to go to heaven anyways because that is not the kind of person I am.
Sorry, not sorry. Alright, Alright my rant is over. My point to all of this was
despite the two types of religious people in this photo, have a good variation
of beliefs the set them apart from each other. There are Christians guarding
the Muslims while they are in mass and again there is a photo where it is the
opposite Muslims guarding Christians in mass. Do they believe the same thing?
No. Does it matter? Obviously not.
I admire your passion and I can relate to so much you have said here.
ReplyDeleteI wish you'd write more, Marissa...and use your time in class to do so.