Friday, August 22, 2014

I am....

I am….
Fried chicken and green beans, sweet tea and sushi.
Simple V-neck shirts, shorts, jeans and my cowboy boots, a topaz charm of a little girl, imperfect blue nail polish, messy buns and ponytails.
A fuzzy red blanket, a paint brush and paint pallet, a tattered quilt that’s spent many nights under the stars, photos with memories to last a lifetime.
A life size Raggedy Ann doll kept in my closet since I was born.
Friendship bracelets and forgotten clothes.  Sonic slushies’ and driving until we are lost.
Unfinished projects due to procrastination, clothes covered in paint.
A good book and a cup of hot tea on a Friday night.
Lying awake when it rains just to listen to the storm, a seeker of comfort in all things fattening and bad for you.
I am…
A sister, the younger of two older brothers, learning talents from observing, watching the boys skateboard and play videogames.
A granddaughter, a girl who misses the holidays spent with the aunts, uncles and grandparents. A time when everyone sat together on the floor because grandma and the adults sat at the dinner table to eat and there wasn’t enough room for everyone. A good game of tag until someone almost steps on a snake. Rolling in the grass on the front lawn to get dirty before church, a crusher of ant hills and chasing the horses around the pasture.
A godmother, expert diaper changer, waking up every three hours to feed a bottle or change a diaper, missing part of my heart because she stole it away, over protective and master of wearing spit up.
A best friend to all, a shoulder to cry on, a comforting conversation when sad, a funny conversation whenever needed. Professional secret keeper of both the good and the bad even in fights.
I am…
Long brown hair and brown eyes that turn golden in the sunlight, naturally tan skin since I was a baby, 3 inches away from being legally a midget.
Naturally hot blooded and never get cold, hair that tangles its self and the owner of 100 lost brushes
Comfy clothes every day of the week, pony tails on dates and mismatched socks that just don’t care
No makeup when I wake up late, a late night phone call when friends are in a fight and the master of chicken noodle soup when you’re sick.


  1. I had a raggedy doll when I was younger, and I would honestly be afraid of it for no reason. My nail polish is never perfect, even though I think it is. I also like you're third to last line :) I love wearing comfy clothes

  2. I am all for a messy bun some days just seem to call for it, so I totally relate to that as well as having projects that aren't done due to procrastination.

  3. What a great picture of you! I love the goddess headband. You've painted such a vivid and authentic picture of your little slice of the world with this. The details about being with your family at your grandparents' house reminds me so much of my own similar memories.
