Friday, September 12, 2014

Writers as Readers&Readers as Writers

Writers as Readers’ Questions:

1. When you read, what do you need to be comfortable?

When I read I have to be around little to no distractions. I always tend to sit in my room with my lamp on and my blanket. I will pick a favorite song of mine that I think fits the theme of the book and put it on reply. I always listen to it with my headphones to help me tune everyone out while I’m reading so I don’t get distracted. Once I get hooked in a book I have to read it to the end even if that means I am sitting there for several hours straight until the end.

2. What genres (types of writing) interest you? What specifically about this genre interests you?           Why are you drawn to science fiction books, for example?

Fantasy or Sifi type fiction is mostly what I tend to read. I enjoy reading about things that as far as we know aren’t humanly possible. These types of books tend to draw me in because if they are written well enough it’s like I can put myself in the story and live through the main characters point of view in my head. It is like living someone else’s life and experience what they experience all inside your own head.

5. ( PART A) Have you ever picked up a book and been excited to turn the next page, then the next, then the next, then the next? What book? Why couldn’t you stop reading? (PART B) Is there a book you had to just trudge through to the finish?


B: I read a book my sophomore year for World History Honors about the Black Death and it was so hard to stay interested in it. Even though I tried to focus on the book I always ended up zoning out and getting distracted to the point I quit reading it after about 15 minutes each time.

8. What is your favorite book or series? Why is this your favorite?

My favorite book series that I have ever read was Hush Hush. I am absolutely in love with the boys in the story I don’t really know why but from the very first books I couldn’t stop. I finished the whole 4 book series in a little over two days.

12. Do you think that someone who reads a lot might become a stronger writer? Do you think we pick up vocabulary, sentence structures, themes, etc. From the books we read that come out directly or indirectly in our own writing?

I think if someone reads a lot it makes writing a lot easier for a person most of the time. You pick up on vocabulary and grammar and ideas to use when reading books and it flows easier for you. I think a lot of our ideas stem from books we’ve enjoyed reading because they are more imprinted into our minds.

1 comment:

  1. The book about the Black Death does sound like a tough one to get through! : ) I also agree that reading imprints all sorts of stuff on our brains that we can use when we write, usually without us even realizing it.
