Wednesday, December 17, 2014

My Final Fairwell

1.       As this class draws to a close we take time to reflect on all the pieces of work we have accomplished in completing. One of my favorite most meaningful piece I published on my blog would probably be ‘In a place I call home’ it was for my grandma when she was really sick from cancer and she always hated hospitals. She did want to be stuck dying surrounded by sterile white wall and the constant smell of bleach and cleaner so she asked to come home even though they brought her hospital bed and machines with her. They day she died was one of the hardest days of my life, I was young and it was the first loss I had to deal with in my life. As hard as it was to miss her watching her struggle and fight was harder and in the end.

Silence. The silence is calming and sweet. Even after a storm the warm air blankets around her like a soft blanket and a kind friend. The freedom of the open space is vast and breathing is easy. The smell of maple, pine and a hint of hay swirl through the damp air like dancers in a ballet. Being here is easy, her future here easier to imagine than ever before as she tastes a hint of honeysuckle on the tip of her tongue from the little flowers that litter the earthy floor around her. Tilting her face towards the sun, she closes her eyes soaking the little rays as the trickle through the clouds letting the breeze ruffle her hair hanging down her back. Her eyelids flutter open and she glance back down to the pool of tears the clouds shed on her peace of sanctuary. The rippling surface reflects the peaceful smile she wears and the sky that no longer cry’s for her in happiness. She is home, she is at peace.

2.       During this class I have managed to read around 25-30 books over the weeks. Some I enjoyed more than others but then again I’m a sucker for a good book. Among those I read Beautiful Disaster would be my favorite. I don’t normally like love stories but this one was A M A Z I N G.  At times it was bitter sweet, at others it was super happy! This book is the new love of my life. I just fell in love with the characters right from the start! For sure a must read for anyone who like college romance stories.

3.       Having a blog was awesome. Even though I didn’t post all that much…Except for the topic that really meant a lot to me. It was cool, I always wondered about blogs before I got one and the experience was great. I chose the name for blog ‘Fairytales for Hopeful Hearts’ for the same reason I always try to have some kind of hope in my stories no matter how small. Fairy tales are my childish dreaming as it comes to life, I will be forever young in my love for them and will never grow old. PETER PAN <3 I will continue to post my stories as a way to share with everyone who wishes to take a step inside my head.

4.       Journaling was cool, I’ve always had this weird thing where in bothers I to write on blank pages as weird as that sounds but I don’t like to ruin things that are so perfect. I have gotten a new journal to record my stories in but it’s a lot smaller then my creative writing notebook and leather bond.

5.       Never Looking Back, Always Looking Forward. –This is the motto I use for my life. <3 Forever and Always.


I watch the world speed by from my perch inside this cage

The Sun rises and falls from the sky and the moon sings it lullaby to the stars

Still I sing.

I watched the seasons come and go and my wings grow stiff without freedom to sore through the changing air.

Still I sing.

I watch the ones grow to adults and form nests of their own, knowing that will never be me. I am destined for the metal home that I am enslaved to.

Yet I still sing.

I grow weak now, my old age a thief of my energy but not of my hope.

For that I still sing.

A young little bird visited my window today and asked how I could sing of such beautiful things locked away from the sky and the trees in such a cruel way.I responded simply in the most honest and truthful way.

I sing for the trees the grow through the night, I sing for the flowers that curl up at night.

I sing for the animals the run in fear; I sing for all the cries that no one hears.

I sing for the little girl who feels all alone, I sing for the mothers whose son fights in the war and hasn’t come home.

I sing for the old man with no place to call his own, I sing for the woman whose husband hung up the phone.

I sing for the baby lying mistreated in her crib, whose parents can’t put down the needle long enough to see what they are doing is not only harmful but lethal

I sing for the daughter who ran away from her pain, the one whose demons could not be slain so she turned instead to cocaine.

I sing for the day I will feel the freedom on my wings perhaps not in this lifetime but maybe another we will see what death brings.


That is what I sing for and so should you. A hope that one day you can start over, and have a try at something new.

7.      When I get out of school I may continue on to write young adult books as a hobby but not as a job. I could never make things I enjoy my job because I fear that if I do that I may forget why I love to do it some much when It’s a job and no longer for fun.

8.      For all my fellow seniors I would just like to officially say… WE ARE HALF WAY THERE. I am super, super, SUPER excited and happy and sad. I will miss all of you and those who were in my class that I had the opportunity to get to know I just wanted to say thank you for making memories with me for my senior year. For all the underclassman, Just keep working you are getting there and you will be in our place soon enough. Don’t rush through, the freedom will be exciting but there is also a lot of sadness that a lot of the people who have known you all your life. Stay Beautiful My Friends.

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