Thursday, October 9, 2014

(Edward Hopper Inspired) The Employee

Looking up from my book I watch as guests begin to flutter into the room from the seating area of the patio bar. Leaning casually against the podium, warn as the end of my shift nears. My senses have dulled by now from the hours and hours of food smells coating the inside of my nose. Somehow I managed to inhale a big whiff of roasted chicken and let out a content sigh. Plastering a wide smile on my face I politely greeted the new customers happily.
The rest of the shift went by rather quickly as I moved customers in and out as quickly as possible. Back aching, and exhausted I made my way slowly through the kitchen to the back door hanging my crisp white apron up on the hook as I slid through the door. “ERICA.” A voice hollered through the closing door. Letting out an aspirated sigh I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment and plastered a very fake smile on my face as I turned to face the voice of my boss waddling after me. “Yes, Luca? What can I do for you?” His chubby face scowled at my sarcasm but he continued. “Jay called in sick for tomorrow mornings shift so I need you to come in and cover it.” I offered a nod but no words as I turned on my heels. Yay for me. Another day bright and early. Welcome to the working Lower class.

1 comment:

  1. Some good narration here...I like the internal dialogue at the end and the image of Erica: "I offered a nod but no words as I turned on my heels."
