Sunday, October 12, 2014

In the news (Papers)

Ghost Town:
Not a soul in sight.
Not a whisper in the night.
The eerie street lights glisten.
The silence, is deafening can you hear it?
Not a peep, not a shuffle, or a whistle or a cry.
Not a heartbeat or a breathe, Not a body or a single animal to pass by.
The streets sat bare, the people had vanished the question was to where?
The question would never have an answer because…
There wasn’t a whisper in the night.
Not even a soul in sight.
Frozen in Time:
Can we go back? Can we have a do-over? A second chance to start again?
No.  But we can warn the future generations. We can teach them to learn from our mistakes and to not make the same ones as we did. They will learn and they will be safe.
It’s up to them to change the future now, the capsule is secure. Everything is in place. When it is time for the capsule to open it will. All the information they will need to understand our efforts is inside.
Let us pray this works, they are our last shot. They are our second chance.
Only they can save us..

1 comment:

  1. I like your use of rhyme in the first poem--this could set the scene for a scary or creepy short story, I think. And I like the idea of no do-overs, only lessons learned, in the second piece.
